We need to Integrate Active Directory with ClearPass when we doing EAP-PEAP authentication otherwise if we using EAP-TLS its not need to add AD server to Clearpass Go to Server Configuration and then select your Clearpass Server from the list and then Select Join AD Domian Then Filled the AD server Information and in here it needs AD server Administrator User name and Password Now we Success fully add the AD server to Clearpass now we I ll configure the AD server as a Authentication Source for the Clearpass For that Go to Authentication ---- Source and click Add Give the name for the Clearpass and select type as a Active Directory from the drop down list In the Primary Tab you have to give the information of your clearpass server in here you need a service type account for bind DN this is used for read the directory attributes from the AD server In the attribute click edit and modify tab and from here you can def...
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